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部分 1学会辨别两者的区别
“Its”是个中性的词汇,是物主代词。这个“Its”用来描述动物或没有生命的物体。“Its”和“It's”经常混在一起,是因为一些人错误地把“It's”当成所有格。不过,如果在"Jeanna's dog bit me."这样的句子中,名词后面的“'s”的确表示的是所有格。别把两者弄混了。下面举一些例子:
- My oak tree loses its leaves in autumn.
- My neighbor's cat never stays in its own yard.
- That bottle of wine is cheap, but it has its pluses.
- Google needs to update its privacy policy.
"It's"是 "it is" 或"it has"的缩写 。下面举一些例子:
- It's (it is) a nice day
- It's (it has) been a nice day.
- it's (it is)
- Thanks to the sewage spill, it's (it has) been a bad season for tourism at the lake.
部分 2在句子中正确使用两者
问自己一些问题,有助于让你决定在空格中用 "its" 还是 "it's"。
- “it is”或“it has”和句子搭配得体吗? The museum needs to update it is online schedule for summer. 这个答案是错误的!
- 如果某物属于一个非生命体,可以用“its”指代吗?是的,因为“online schedule”就是属于“museum”的。正确的答案是:The museum needs to update its online schedule for summer.
再试一个例子,然后多问自己几个问题。 ___ hard to tell the difference between those shades of green."
- "it is" 或 "it has" 放在句子中合适吗? It is hard to tell the difference between those shades of green.
- “it is”这个短语很完美地嵌入到了这个句子中,所以就不用再问自己问题了。正确答案是: It's hard to tell the difference between those shades of green.
- 另外一个小提示:在句子中试着用“his”或“her”替换“its”,如果句子意思还算通顺,那就用“its”了。
- 想要多做些练习,就试个 网上测试 ,测试一下自己对“its”和“it's”的了解。在Google或Bing等搜索引擎中,输入合适的关键词,还可以找到更多的测试。
- 写email或论文的时候,拼写检查功能不一定能检测到“its”和“it's”用错的地方。所以自己要检查清楚,不要完全依赖于拼写检查。
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